How to Use Ingramer Profile Analyzer to Research Your Competition
Have you ever wondered which of your posts are boosting your business the most or just perhaps your most liked selfie? Well wonder no longer as the Ingramer Profile Analyzer is here!
What does it do?
Ingramer Profile Analyzer looks at your instagram and analyzes the number of followers and the amount of engagement on your profile, so you can tell when your posts are meeting or missing the mark!
It analyzes the average time you spend in the app and how many times you post in a day, week or month. Whether you have a personal or business profile.. Have you ever wondered if you’re posting too little or too much? Let Ingramer Profile Analyzer be the one to tell you!
Ingramer Profile Analyzer can tell you what is the most popular time to post with your followers so you can get your posts in at the best time to reach the most people. It also can tell your top hashtags used, top caption words, audience interest and top most commented and liked posts!
Can I analyze other people’s Instagram profiles?
You can analyze anyone’s profile as long as it is not private! Are you trying to grow your business and compare against your competitors or willing to pay someone for a shout out but not quite sure their numbers add up? Analyze their profile and see if they’re worth handing over your hard earned cash first!
Can Profile Analyzer help me grow my instagram?
The answer is yes! Once you have your results of the analysis you can use them to compare yourself against your top competitors. Once you have compared against your competitors you can see where best to up your game whether it be with hashtags, captions or tweaking your posting schedule so your posting at peak times!
Analyzing your own account will allow you to see where your growth strategy is working (top commented posts, top used hashtags etc.) and where it could do with improvement if your stats are looking a bit low. Ingramer Profile Analyzer can definitely be a valuable tool in helping you grow your instagram profile.
If analyzing your profile is not enough you are really desperate to hit a certain amount of followers before launch day or hit a certain target for a deadline.. Then do not fear as Ingramer also has a great Instagram bot service which I’ve reviewed in my guide to Instagram bots.
After seeing the analytics of your profile are you finding your hashtag game is off or just struggling to come up with new and fresh hashtags for each post? Then you should also make the most of Ingramer’s most popular free tool: the hashtag generator. Just enter one word and it will give you the most used related hashtags!